Clifftons Reviews & Feedback from Tenants
Reviews of Clifftons, from Tenants.
The good, the bad and the ugly.
As a business, but we operate like a family, with customers, staff and throughout our business.
Any company, can post how Wonderful they are, but how about how bad they are? Of course not, or ...
We asked our Clifftons tenant customers a variety of questions, giving us valuable data to improve our services.
We asked to describe their experience in one sentence and received 107 responses.
68% of these comments were positive and you can see these highlighted in the main image.
This is useful content we can really shout about on our website, social media, blogs, in emails and in branch with prospective landlords and tenants.
17% of the feedback was neutral and mainly included comments like “Ok”, “Standard” and “Average”.
Whilst comments like these aren’t particularly harmful, we need to look into ways we could improve these, maybe another way to increase our services and deliver a more consistent service across the business.
So, overall 85% is positive and neutral.
15% of our feedback is negative, from our Tenant customers.
For many businesses, they will become defensive, deny, dismiss these. Others will bury the negative comments, never to see the light of day again. However, ALL businesses have complaints, ALL businesses need to be constantly improving. We see the negative feedback as a positive, it really shows where we can improve our services. To not only continue to be the very best letting agent in Bournemouth, but to improve our services well beyond that.
There were a couple of recurring themes relating to aspects of our service, including:
Correspondence issues
Slow response/action to maintenance issues
This is useful information to feedback to our staff and employees and adapt our systems for improvement.
We have asked a wide variety of questions and some of the data is more generalised but provides some interesting insights, such as the below.
71% of our tenants feel that Clifftons have their best interests at heart
48% of our tenants find it easy to report maintenance problems, 38% said they’ve never had to
57% of our tenants feel happy in their home, 43% feel happy most of the time
Rising Cost of Living
We also asked our customers if they are worried about the rising cost of living. 84% said “yes”.
That's why we have a platform to offer local discounts and coupons to our tenant customers. We are looking at further measures how we can help with their outgoings.
Most useful Savings
We asked Clifftons customers which savings would help them the most.
- 90% Bills
- 39% Groceries
- 18% Social
- 20% Transport
- 12% Health
- 21% Holidays
We asked our tenants which channels of communication they prefer:
50% Email
38% Telephone
13% SMS
13% Online Tool
This is to do with friction, cost and convenience. Its very easy to email (which is also free) and easy to pick up the phone.
Its common for larger businesses, like utility providers, to make it harder to find the correct phone number, make it hard to get through or hold for an hour to force their customers to log in, rather than use the phone. I think our industry and business could provide much better communication by using more online tools and this is an area we are working on.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or any suggestions for how we could further explore any of the above.